A Reflection on this year in drones
As we prepare to bid this year farewell, there are several things to reflect on with 2020 vision (do you see what we did here? :-). First, as we send Season’s Greetings, we wish to thank our clients and industry network for an incredibly insightful and rewarding year. We have grown, we have learned, we have shared, we have educated, we have exercised agility, and we have stayed the course. This has prepared us significantly for entering this next exciting year with said 2020 vision.
Secondly, this was a year of validation whilst forging a new market in this up and coming, still restrictive, but here to stay drone industry in South Africa. Drone security in particular, is not new, however, the specific market we operate in, is. As a result, we have walked an interesting path educating the market to adopt this technology. To this end, here are some thoughts on this year in drones and what to know about Drones in 2020.

5 Things you need to know about Drones in 2020
1. Early adopters embracing drone technology are seeing the benefits
Security patrols are done quicker and more effectively with drones. We have had reported reductions in untoward and suspicious activity. For this reason, residents are feeling more secure knowing drones are in the air around their estate.
2. Work with drones is more efficient
Drone work is more efficient than how we can currently rely on the human counterpart. Drones will not eradicate the need for the human entirely, however it adds a layer of efficiency. For example, when integrated effectively, aerial security inspections and surveillance become the eyes in the sky for the ground force. A guard on the ground can never see what the drone in sky can.
3. Close integration with the ground force is important
Drone activity should be seen as the air force for the security company on the ground. In today’s day and age of criminal activity, one wants to keep the guard on the ground out of harms way, until the situation has been assessed and the right course of action decisioned.
4. Technology is improving
Flight controllers, software, battery technology, and therefore ‘hang time’, will all improve. As with any technology, drone services will become cheaper as mass production and economies of scale kick in. The cost/benefit consideration needs to outweigh the profit-only approach. Crime is not going to disappear in this country any time soon, and the client needs to know that their best interests are being taken seriously.
5. Use of Drones by unlicensed operators
There are still companies and ‘drone service providers’ who either don’t know or are not bothered about the regulations. Regulations have become more restrictive but it’s not only about bending the rules. Most importantly, safety and third party liability insurance must be considered first. Always ensure that anyone offering drone services, is a certified commercial drone pilot, is insured with significant third party liability cover and operates under a South African Civil Aviation Authority approved Operators Certificate.
A journey worth embracing
Whilst we all know drones are here to stay, there is still some expectation management and education to do. With 2020 vision, we can say for certain that the cost, risk, reward calculation needs to be done with some boldness. How can one compare cost and profit to securing your estate or commercial site effectively? Be bold, embrace the technology and stay ahead of the criminals and your competitors.
Thank you to our team, our clients, and those in our industry for an incredible year. We have built strong relationships, experimented and succeeded. Wishing you all a happy, healthy and successful 2020. Happy Holidays from the UAV Aerial Works & Drone Guards Team!
Get in touch to book a chat about how to integrate drones into your business or estate security operation:
Drone Security – Drone Guards
Drone Services – UAV Aerial Works